
How to use Sound-n-Dry®

Sound-n-Dry® contains a desiccant that slowly draws out the moisture. The desiccant is non-toxic, safe to use and the colour changes from honey/orange to dark green as moisture is removed from the hearing aids.   When this happens it’s time to replace or regenerate the desiccant. This can be done by heating the desiccant in a domestic oven at 100 C for 40 mins. Repeat up to 2 – 3 times if necessary until the desiccant colour returns to honey/orange. Full instructions are enclosed with the unit. 

If the hearing aid or Cochlear Implant speech processor has rechargeable batteries (lithium ion) REMOVE THESE FIRST and place on charging unit. For standard disposable batteries (zinc air) leave the battery door open for good air flow.

The desiccant used in Sound-n-Dry® is colour indicating, cobalt free and has a very high adsorption capacity. The adsorption capacity refers to how much moisture the desiccant can hold, this is chemically bound. The unit is simple and economical to use and the unit does not require power to operate. The desiccant is enclosed in a woven sachet that allows moisture to pass through, do not open this sachet.  After two to three heating cycles the desiccant loses it’s capacity to efficiently draw out moisture. When this happens it is time to replace the Sound-n-Dry unit.

Caution: Never place hearing aids in the microwave or domestic oven.

What is Sound-n-Dry?

What our customers have to say

BTBathurst, NSW
I have had hearing aids for 14 years but only started using Sound and Dry 18/24 months ago. I have since had the longest period of trouble free operation and I have no doubt I should have been using Sound and Dry all along as invariably when there was a problem with the aids it was usually moisture related.
JHDirranbandi QLD
Thank you for your assistance with my enquiry regarding the proper use of Sound-n-Dry sachets. It was a pleasure to receive such courteous and helpful service.
MTRochedale QLD
I find the product extremely good. The ability to reuse makes the product economical. Good product!
I have found the Sound-n-Dry the best system I have used.
Your product has really helped prolong my (hearing) aids.
RDCronulla NSW
I have a cochlear implant and find your product great for travelling as it needs no power.
Great product by the way and easy to use
AmyHeidelberg VIC
I would just like to make a comment on how incredible your sound and dry product is. I have complete trust the sound and dry unit takes care of my precious hearing aids. In the morning when I check them they are so much easier to clean the wax. Never have I found a better product than this. Thankyou!!